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Is It Safe For The Microwave? Which Materials Are Hazard Free

Over 9 of 10 American households own a microwave oven. However, how they work is still confusing to people who use them, especially due to warnings and viral videos found on the World Wide Web. Read More

5 Reasons You Should Avoid Using Plastic Cups Every time

Failing to get plastic cups in parties and other events is extremely difficult in the US. According to research, 95% of parties organized in the US uses plastic cups when it comes to serving of drinks and other types of liquids. There are several reasons why you need to avoid using the plastic cups every now and then. One major reason is the BPA.....

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5 Reasons You Should Consider Using Plastic Cups

More people are getting injuries as a result of using breakable cups in special functions like birthday parties or weddings. According to recent statistics by Forbes, 68% of injuries experienced in parties are as a result of using breakable plates, cups or bottles. Nowadays, plastic products are the most commonly used product not only in our hous.....

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